

2024 awa applications


The goal of the AWAs is to identify, recognize, and tout the best digital tools and resources that dealers can use in their retail operations.

This year, the process has been streamlined to make the most of your team’s time. Participating companies will fill out an online questionnaire form, provide contact info of dealers who use their product, and submit an 8-10 minute demo video of their product. The AWA team will review the submission and interview the users.

The week prior to NADA, Pasch Group will publish and publicize the AWA video library. Each video will include Brian’s commentary on the front and back of the video demo that the company submitted.

Winners will be awarded at the AWA Banquet at NADA.

Participants will receive their product review video as an MP4 file to use as a marketing tool. These independent reviews are an invaluable resource and an effective conversion tool to share with your prospective customers and to use on your website.

Fill out the form selecting the category(ies) you wish to be considered for and submit payment. If you do not see an appropriate category, reach out and we will consider expanding our categories.

To take advantage of the Early Bird Pricing ($1,995) you must submit your application, questionnaire, and demo video by November 1st. If your demo video has NOT been submitted by this date you will be charged an additional $500 upon submission.

Regular application pricing ($2,495)  begins on November 2nd. The final deadline for ALL applications and video submissions is December 5th.


Your video submission should be no longer than 10 minutes in length. It will be utilized for two purposes: the awards team will watch it AND it will also be what dealers will watch. So, don’t share any details that you want to remain secret. Your video should contain your most convincing and enthusiastic sales pitch. Why should the dealer buy this product? How is this product going to make a meaningful improvement in their business? You may also want to include testimonials from customers. To watch examples of past videos, click HERE. Please do not submit YouTube links, an mp4 is the preferred format.

If you are not familiar with the AWAs and would like more information, email or call 864-380-0084, and Beth will be glad to give you more details.